Math 218: Matrices and Vector Spaces

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Matrices and Vectors

Sage is an open source computer algebra system written python.

Matrices are defined as lists of rows via the syntax A = matrix([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]).

Matrices can be summed A + B, scaled c * A, and transposed A.T.

Properties can be calculated with the syntax A.property_name(). A full list of properties can be found in the official documentation.

Sage also has useful matrix constructors built in, like zero_matrix, ones_matrix, identity_matrix, and diagonal_matrix.

Vectors are defined with the syntax vector([coordinate list]).

We can calculate linear combinations by summing v1 + v2 and scaling c * v vectors.

Of course, the previous linear combination can be more elegantly calculated with a matrix-vector product A * v.