Math 218: Matrices and Vector Spaces

Welcome! You have found the homepage of the Fall 2021 manifestation of Math 218.

Exam III

Exam III is scheduled to take place in class on Fri 19-Nov and will cover all topics from Weeks 9-12.

The exam will be four single-sided pages and consist of mostly free-response problems with a few fill in the blank and multiple choice questions. You should be prepared to solve problems that you have not seen before.

The exam will be "closed" in the sense that no outside aid (like books or calculators) will be allowed. The only thing you need to bring is a writing utensil.

To prepare for the exam, you should be able to:

If you feel confident that you can accomplish everything described above and would like some additional practice, here are some optional problems from Gilbert Strang's textbook. Solutions to these problems will not be provided, but I will happily discuss them in office hours.